
Results 8 comments of rx-837

@ericdrobinson Solution coudn't be so "lenient" because of first check is excludes browsers with normal timestamp behaviour. The solution only extends a first crutch(e.currentTarget === e.target)

@Akryum omg... but it doesn't work In my case i register only directive: ``` import Vue from "vue" import vTooltip, { VTooltip } from "v-tooltip" vTooltip.options.defaultHideOnTargetClick = false Vue.directive("v-tooltip", VTooltip)...

@Akryum my fix is similar to https://github.com/Akryum/v-tooltip/blob/master/src/directives/v-tooltip.js#L218 in this case object "plugin" have "options" property with link on "defaultOptions"

@sagalbot Your motives to use strict API are clear, as is the fact that there are no DOM entities in the nodejs environment. What the benefits your expect when pass...

@sagalbot what about pull request? As can i see still it not merged(

@NightCatSama after some research, i found primary ssr falling problem: when you importing styles, like this: ``` import './styles/slider.scss' import './styles/dot.scss' import './styles/mark.scss' ``` compiler add code from `./node_modules/vue-style-loader` code...

Trying install Ventura 13.6 on Gigabyte Z490 AORUS PRO AX board with latest bios. Config file created in according to current manual(https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Install-Guide/config.plist/comet-lake.html) but network controller is not visible(settings, ifconfig) On...