Rob Muhlestein
Rob Muhlestein
Need to sense if the zettel is a figure and if so include the image in the call to `post` (which is mostly just Twitter at the moment.
Right now when adding zettelkasten links they resolve to the current directory instead of the currently active zettelkasten. This needs to be fixed with the ability to override by adding...
Now that we have multiple zet support it is obvious moving zettels between different zet directories is needed for when you forget and add it to the wrong one.
Now that it is so very easy to switch between zets, including personal and private ones. I need to make really sure I don't accidentally `zet titles` while set to...
It's really not that hard to render the content of the first code fence or raw block as an image, even with randomized background and theming. Then people will have...
If tags are already in the zettel inform interactively when prompting to post with them.