This problem still occurs in demo-showcase 2.3 I found out, that it only occurs if you type in some new characters and leave the virtual keyboard open. If you delete...
I am using gwt-material-2.0-rc7. I have tested a little more and found out that if I have 5 DatePicker and I call setLanguage on DatePicker 2, 3 and 4, then...
While trying to build a small example I found a workaround for our usecase. I found out, that when I set the language on one DatePicker, it takes effect on...
I have finished the small example, where I stripped down our application. You can find it on github under There I have the example with 5 DatePickers, on Datepicker...
I have the same problem with Chrome 78.0.3904.90 on Android using gwt-material-addins-2.2. Chrome 78.0.3904.84 on iOS and all Browsers I tested on desktop work great.
With Chrome 80.0.3987.119 on Android 7.0 on a Samsung Galaxy S6 I have this problem with the timepicker both on and on I am pretty sure that with...
> > > For those not able to use the 2.3 snapshot.... try opening the time picker from code (.open() ). It stays open if you do it that way....