I encountered this same problem with scans acquired with the ABCD vector set that has a small number of b=500 volumes. I was able to get the ol_nstd value passed...
I'll second this request. The quantitative information from the EddyQC report is very useful. Having all the eddy inputs/outputs saved - or even having the option for qsiprep to run...
> Which directory are you using from the working directory? > > All the motion information is available in the `confounds.tsv` file, but it may need to be reformatted to...
Matt, that's an awesome viewer/interactive tool. Will look into that shortly. For eddyQC, i've been running it with the -v flag now, and it seems to be complaining about the...
> since qsiprep uses nipype, any files produced in the working directory that aren't used later in the pipeline get deleted. So it's possible that eddy writes a bunch of...
Hi @CaitlinLloyd, the nippy.cfg file with remove_unnecessary_outputs = false retains all the unnecessary outputs in the working directory where qsiprep is running. But depending on your computing architecture (eg HPC...
I should have added - once you've saved the working directory, you'll find the eddy output in: `/qsiprep_wf/single_subject__wf/dwi_preproc__wf/hmc_sdc_wf/eddy` In addition to that entire folder I copy these additional files from...
It must be that your qsiprep job is not seeing the nipype config file. Here's what the eddy sub-folder in the working directory contained on one of my recent runs:...