Ryan Wilson
Ryan Wilson
Could this be related to #227? Or maybe #194?
Another option for addressing the generation speed may be to allow an `:only` arg, a la `lein test :only some.namespace`. Admittedly, I haven't profiled whether the doc generation time is...
Could reopening this issue be considered? The [Forwarded HTTP Extension](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7239#page-7) spec considers a chain of proxy servers and specifies an order for the chain. Further, AWS ELB behavior appends to...
Regarding the paper trail, the AWS documentation doesn't specify the behavior of ELBs if `x-forwarded-*` headers are present on an incoming request, so I have reached out to support for...
Finally got sufficient context on this; it depends on the ELB listener mode. If configured as HTTP/HTTPS, the behavior is, from AWS: > "X-Forwarded-For” – ELB will append to existing...
Unfortunately not, that was from the support response.
To be clear, ElastiCache is not a Memcached implementation. It's a set of AWS tools for provisioning and managing either a memcached or redis cluster. From an application standpoint, it's...
Swapping dependencies seems to work, some futzing with the `ConnectionFactory` to specify `ClientMode` required. I have a [branch](https://github.com/rwilson/spyglass/tree/aws-elasticache) to track this work, here's the [diff](https://github.com/clojurewerkz/spyglass/compare/master...rwilson:aws-elasticache?expand=1). Given the requirement of swapping...
OK, the changes in the above linked branch work. As you can see in the diff, the changes default to using connection factories initialized with `ClientMode/Static`, which is required whenever...
After testing a few other cases, this applies to the `style` and `include` tags as well. Are tags intentionally unsupported via `{{ block.super }}`?