Roman Udovichenko
Roman Udovichenko
`Fatal: contrib/ydb/library/yql/core/yql_expr_constraint.cpp:3745 CheckExpected(): requirement newConstr failed, message: Rewrite error, missing Passthrough(_yql_preagg_Count0:id) constraint in node AsStruct, code: 1` yqlrun query to reproduce: ``` USE plato; insert into @a1 select Just("a"u) as...
`Fatal: contrib/ydb/library/yql/core/yql_expr_constraint.cpp:3745 CheckExpected(): requirement newConstr failed, message: Rewrite error, missing Passthrough(/:kv_urls) constraint in node Just, code: 1` yqlrun query to reproduce: ``` USE plato; insert into @a select * from...
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