Ron Valente
Ron Valente
I created a repo [homebrew-alerter]( that you can `brew tap` and then `brew install` Simply run: ```bash brew tap rvalente/homebrew-alerter brew install alerter ```
Any ETA on closing this pull request?
I am running the latest stable version of Rubix. ``` $gem search rubix rubix (0.5.13) ``` What version of Zabbix are you using? I am running Zabbix Server 2.0.2 (Latest...
Here is your exact pry session in my environment. No Host Group named "My Zabbix Hosts". ``` ruby $ pry -e 'require "rubix" ; Rubix.connect("http://zabbix/api_jsonrpc.php", "admin", "password")' => # [2]...