``` local __json_object = {__json_object = function() end} function json.newObject() return setmetatable({}, __json_object) end ``` parse_object ``` local function parse_object(str, i) local res = json.newObject() ``` encode_table ``` local t...
这个包满足我的,因为很小,而且是官方维护。唯一不足的地方大多数人没法用它,因为不会Read。 var c *websocket.Conn var buf bytes.Buffer b := make([]byte, 1024) for { n, err := c.Read(b) if n > 0 { buf.Write(b[:n]) } else if err != nil {...
Misuse is undesirable, disabling is even worse, you want to change you maintain that package (go-json), that doesn't solve it?