HTML ``` // Your content ``` CSS you need @import "~baron/skins/styles.css" and select one of 3 classes(for example baron__clipper _simple like this) and your element(in this example element with id=#baron_1...
this changes are entered or no? because i am not seeing in production code
Please, apply this pull-request
i found valueForRelationship: function (relationship, included) { return { id:, name: }; } please, add it to doc, because it very important
I want add controls but my button now work with zoom image Can i add controls with method or zoom.minus(n)
I didn't understand form.append('file', file.buffer, file.originalname) Do i need transform file.buffer to stream? If Yes? how can i do this without or with createReadStream
> No, you don't have to convert buffer to stream for FormData to use it. But in order to access data "in the stream" after it was drained (sent) you...
Now, my sprite rebuild when i update my js file. How can I watch for svg images and when i add/remove svg images, my sprite rebuld?