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:crab: Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code!

Results 217 rustlings issues
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`todo!` better matches the exercise's intent than `unimplemented!` > The difference between `unimplemented!` and `todo!` is that while `todo!` conveys an intent of implementing the functionality later and the message...

Hello! I have a question regarding `standard-library-types/`. This was my solution, which compiles fine: ```rust #![forbid(unused_imports)] // Do not change this, (or the next) line. use std::sync::Arc; use std::thread; fn...

I think it is not a good idea to introduce examples that require knowledge of Box and Traits. I am slowly working my way through the exercises alongside the book...

The hint for as_ref_mut was written before the function ```num_sq``` was added and is currently incorrect. I'm pretty sure you can improve this hint, but at least it's correct

Expected result is updated to better showcase the difference between - a valid result with no ice-creams `Some(0)`, and - an invalid result `None`.

👋 Thank you for this awesome project! I found this feature in the [GitHub CLI application]( and [npm]( I think it'll be useful for users who install `rustlings` using the...

When I run `rustlings watch`, panics when trying to read info.toml which is caused by the extra " character on line 748 in the info.toml file. edit - realized...

I had some problems understanding what is wanted in the exercise options2. I think it would make it clearer if it was changed little bit to make code testable and...

Added an excise in order to test methods that just read data and methods that also change data in a struct.

Adds an exercise for the `Cow` type based off of the official documentation at