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:crab: Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code!

Results 219 rustlings issues
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Line 24 of exercises/ asks whether `string("nice weather".into()) ` or `string_slice("nice weather".into()) ` will compile. However both of these options compile. (The `string_slice` option is trivial, since "nice weather" is...

Learning by example is great, Visual Studio Code has [Notebook](, rustlings can take full advantage of that, It will make learning more enjoyable... Spread rust! with rustlings for all rust...

It would be great to be able to build `rustlings` with nix and have it automatically available in a local shell. This will allow new users to start working on...

If this is a template repository, then users of rustlings, rather than forking, can simply click "Use this template" to solve the rustling exercises!

Editor: `CLion 2019.3` IntelliJ Rust plugin: `` Rustup: ``` stable-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc (default) rustc 1.42.0 (b8cedc004 2020-03-09) ``` I used to be able to go to base definition/bring up quick documentation within...


Seems like there's a lot going on, and as a beginner, although I've read the majority of the Rust book, I'm a bit confused. First, a new immutable vector is...

Hello, I first wrote this solution for the first part of option2 and it was marked as correct ```rust fn main() { let optional_value = Some(String::from("rustlings")); // TODO: Make this...

I was learning rust just this evening with rustlings and I really struggled on move semantics 2 even when reading the hint multiple times. Given that "clone()" is just a...

I have developed a [batch file]( to automate the process for Windows using Windows Terminal and VSCode since it was becoming a chore to run it every time. Maybe such...

I looked at the hint. I looked in the book. I'm pretty sure the answer is something involving `#[macro_use]`, but the only way I could get it to compile was...