Same problem here, thanks @DesignByOnyx going to go with that approach for now. Anyone else come up with an intuitive solution for this?
@panoply I dropped $50 on this issue on Bountysource(, I know it isn't much but just looking for a rough timeline. This is highly desired in the Shopify ecosystem.
Man, that’s a lot for anyone to take on. Hope you are doing okay. Thank you for the taking the time to give us an update.
Thanks for the reply, David. Yeah I was easily able to get it working in a _foreach, however this restricts me from being able to keep my templates and components...
Thanks David, nothing urgent. By the way this tool has been a life saver so far, thanks so much.
@MathiasPaumgarten, yeah pretty much, it would just allow you to pass an array, and then do something like a `_foreach` in the view to loop through the items in the...
Having same issue using Rebass with TS and Emotion. As soon as anything is imported from '@emotion/core' TS compiling breaks. Getting errors like this when rendering Rebass components: `Type 'FlattenSimpleInterpolation'...
For anyone else needing to resolve this immediately, put a `rebass.overrides.ts` file in the `src` directory with the code below, add any other Prop interfaces from Rebass you may need.:...
I'm also waiting for this and very excited, any updates on progress? @abinavseelan, Thanks!
fwiw, I was experiencing the same issues after resetting a form... but calling initialize instead of reset did the trick for me. Quick update: re initializing does work, but it...