@aeleos Thanks for this. I'm getting the error: "in the logs of cloudflared i have this error "ERR error="Unable to reach the origin service. The service may be down or...
@jkirkcaldy Hey man, appreciate all the hard work. I've had an issue for a while and decided to manually "fix it" but now it's messing up more and more often....
Thank you for the hard work. This may be two separate feature requests, but I was curious if you can have the TV Series show the 4K poster. The individual...
I have downloaded the "YouTube-Agent.bundle-master" and moved and renamed it to my \appdata\plex\Library\Application Support\Plex Media Server\Plug-ins\YouTube-Agent.bundle\ folder. I know I'm supposed to create and replace the API Key but I...
Hello, I am trying to add the XMLTV guide from ErsatzTV via the directions. I already have a HDHomeRun I use for my Plex Live TV setup. It says I...
It looks like you've upgraded and need to migrate. Click the button below to migrate your install. I click Migrate ---------- Log file Output: (condensed) 2022-03-21 14:32:30,488 - plex-utills -...