Russ Back
Russ Back
I get this also - did you find a solution? I'm also using MAMP: MAMP Pro.
Found the problem. You need to add the path, for example on my Mac, adding the following to ~/.bash_profile: ``` export PATH=/path/to/where/you/have/installed/phpunit/vendor/bin:$PATH ``` Restart your terminal client and run guard...
I found an issue related to this with the Square API. The `round()` method Commerce uses for its Tax adjuster rounds up, but I found that an issue here in...
Hey. Has this plugin been abandoned?
Ah, thanks for that quick update. Sorry I missed that. Inventory has been great for Craft 4 - thank you!
Any update since July on this? Still seeing this on v2.15.8.
I have a site that has a relation to an Entry, so would be interested to pull the title of the related Entry.
I am seeing something similar with a simple test to evaluate Pest. First I have this template: ``` twig {% if currentUser %} {{ }} {% else %} Not...
Thanks, Mark. This is on 4, so I removed the plugin and all composer references and then ran `composer require --dev markhuot/craft-pest-core:2.0.0-rc6` Running the same tests now looks like passes...