Russ Hyde

Results 32 issues of Russ Hyde

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** When running the lintr hook on a package, it flags many `object_usage_linter` errors. This happens because, unless the package is...

All of the image links look like "??", maybe it's just on my computer (Chromium 97.0.4692.71 and Firefox on Ubuntu 20.04) ![image](

Exercise Shaping Up 2 (Da Streets) had a bug. Using the code as it existed meant that `new Square(2.0).perimeter` was 0.0 (instead of 8.0) This occurred because the `override...

PR just fixes a couple of bugs in the 'Extended body of work' exercise BUG1: The model solution defined the `directorsAge` to be yearOfBirth - yearOfRelease; so was negative for...

lintr can be used in several settings: precommit, CI, interactively etc I found that when using lintr in precommit, object-usage was throwing a lot of false positives. This arose because...


To reproduce: In RStudio File -> New Project -> New Directory -> R Package Package name = "temptanic" This adds a package skeleton with `R/hello.R`. Running `lintr::lint_package()` flags a single...

good first issue :heart:

- [x] Add class Cache - [x] Convert functions in `cache.R` to methods on Cache - [x] Push logic re 'whether to cache' lints down from `lint()` to Cache-methods -...

Add talk presented to R4DS project club on 2023-03-11 This is a reworking of the cleanish_code talk.

This fails because there is an attempt to filter to keep only files in `/the/fully/specified/path/R/` using regexes. But if package is specified like `~/specified/path`, then it's files look like `~/specified/path/R/some-file.R`...
