Radu Ursache
Radu Ursache
## Pre-requisites: * [x] Yes, I looked through both [open and closed issues](../issues?utf8=✓&q=is%3Aissue) looking for what I needed. * [x] No, I did not find what I was looking for....
Alternative app icons must be resized for iPad as well ([source](https://stackoverflow.com/a/70186649/1880111))
Would be nice to add the new kind of widgets to ToDoList
Podspec is broken resulting in no flag icons at runtime. In **FlagPhoneNumber.podspec**, `s.resource_bundles = {'FlagPhoneNumber' => ['Sources/Resources/**/*']}` must be replaced by `s.resource = 'Sources/Resources/**/*.{json,xib,xcassets}'` Clean project, reinstall pod and run...
0. Install RevealLoader from Cydia (default repos) 1. Download Reveal from their website 2. unzip `/Applications/Reveal.app/Contents/SharedSupport/RevealServer.zip` 3. find RevealServer (`iOS/RevealServer.framework/RevealServer`) 4. rename RevealServer to libReveal.dylib 5. copy libReveal.dylib to /Library/RHRevealLoader...
looks like setEnabled property does work but it doesn't show any visual/design change, which confuse user. any walkaround?
This project is a mess but i needed something that looked decent and was functional for a MVP. If you think shipping this, please just get [FSCalendar](https://github.com/WenchaoD/FSCalendar) and embed that...