Ruofei Du

Results 18 comments of Ruofei Du

Thank you Rodion for the feature request! I'll talk with my colleagues to answer this question. P.S., when I was prototyping, I was using my own testbed with depth extracted...

If you try out the "AR Depth Sensing" demos on this page they seem to work correctly: Then you may combine this with three.js and translate our C# code...

Yes, I agree that an interesting objective is to reimplement this! My pointers are the KinectFusion papers and follow up works: 1. 2. 3. The current version...

Sorry but I haven't used URP so far. May I ask which scenes would you like to transfer to URP? Avatar locomotion or object placement?

We have a new Point Cloud scene using raw Depth API now using both AR Foundation and ARCore Unity SDK. Please feel free to check it out:

Hi pinklover91, would you like to ensure your Unity version is Unity 2019.4.*? Sorry but I haven't got bandwidth to try the latest Unity versions, but it works well on...

BTW, you need to "Download and import arcore-unity-sdk-1.24.0.unitypackage or newer into the sample project. " See the in that branch.

BTW, you need to "Download and import arcore-unity-sdk-1.24.0.unitypackage or newer into the sample project. " See the in that branch. Did you do this as well?

Hi pinklower91, I recently updated the app in Play Store and build it with Unity 2019.4.36f and I can verify it's working. Unity 2019.4.37f has some bugs in collision scene....

Hi ThmCuong, I haven't used ARKit so far, but frankly speaking, DepthLab is designed with an input of depth map, so you should be able to change the depth API...