> Are you using release configuration? Yes, without -g flag. I test them in the same project, with the same makefile setting.(with -O2 or without -O2, get the same result)...
TestRapidJson 400016000 time: 14062229 TestJsonCpp 400017000 time: 2006387 TestYYJson 400016000 time: 730904 the result is above, just as before. all tests are run in the same project with the same...
Yes, It works. ths a little weird...
another puzzle, what's the difference mqtt_cpp-12.0.0 and mqtt_cpp-master? seems code is not absolutly the same
Ok, ths. I try to compile the same code in Linux OS with vscode, but get a lot of errors, any tips? mqtt/will.hpp:47:23: error:enclosing class of constexpr non-static member function...