
Results 79 comments of rk

I have the same problem, when input the information, it will prompt the previous input.

I upgrade to the V2 version, but I still can't use the CLI to specify filtering criteria, the log shows that the incoming `LabelFilter` is a null value. ``` ##...

> any chance your repos are open source and i can take a look? [here](https://github.com/runkecheng/radondb-mysql-kubernetes/tree/ginkgo_v2/test/e2e), Thank you.

I merge e2e.go into e2e_test.go then the flag is parsed normally! thank you very much for your help.


If the framework is allowed to automatically delete existing resources, the original resources may not be able to run after the test runs.

ci检查未通过,提交代码前执行: ``` go fmt ./... go vet ./... ```

import 规范参考 https://github.com/radondb/radondb-mysql-kubernetes/pull/693#discussion_r970212681


check the env ``` kubectl get po mysql-mysql-0 -n uat -o custom-columns='ENV:.spec.initContainers[1].env' ```