@drdivano > Fixed it by recompiling buildkit, explicitly adding selinux tag. Could you explain exactly what you did?
Rails 7.0.4 has been released (Sep 10th), so I guess you can check that checkmark (in the issue description)
It also fails with ``` SANITIZER_REGEXP = /[\§]/u ```
It does not fail with ``` SANITIZER_REGEXP1 = /\§/ SANITIZER_REGEXP2 = /\§/u ```
It does not fail with ``` SANITIZER_REGEXP1 = /[§]/ SANITIZER_REGEXP2 = /[§]/u ``` So the problem is escaping the utf-8 character inside a character range.
It also occurs in the newest rubocop 1.34.1 If I use rubocop 1.30.1 and downgrade rubocop-ast to 1.19.1 the error does not occur, but only if it has the `/u`...
I would be nice with a CVE. It does not seem like Dependabot is aware of the need to upgrade.
README: > Using the latest production release binary is the recommended way of installing **mtail**. If the release candidates are the ones recommended for production use, I think they are...
@nickorlow @tao12345666333 Looks like this is stalled/forgotten?
I see almost the same results. ``` runephilosof@fedora:~/code/go-test$ curl -i -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip' localhost:9000/ HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Encoding: gzip Vary: Accept-Encoding Date: Wed, 20 Sep 2023 12:18:32 GMT Content-Length:...