I know it has not been tested yet, but im using ubuntu 18.04
I just tried installed caffe and building the package with caffe. But get the same error when running the command "./detect_grasps ../cfg/caffe_params.cfg ../tutorials/krylon.pcd". #88 Have the same porblem as i...
The program dies within the function evalHands on line 58 in "hand_search.cpp". From there on i have no idea what the problem might be. Because the program crashes at different...
This is my specs: - Ubuntu 18.04 with ros melodic installed. - Opencv 4.2 - Eigen 3.3.6 - pcl 1.9.1 also tried pcl 1.10
Im having the same problem. I went a bit into the code but cant figure out why this happens. The program shutdowns after you close down that plot.
@xibeisiber I had the same problem today when trying to plan using the python interface and STOMP but it worked perfectly in rviz. So i fixed it by setting the...