livecode copied to clipboard
Unable to locate bitly token
I am getting the following error when starting the server:
> server = livecode::serve_file(bitly = TRUE)
✔ Started sharing 'LiveCodeLink.R' at ''.
✖ The current ip address ('') for the server is private, only users on the same local
network are likely to be able to connect.
✖ Failed to create bitlink: Unable to locate bitly token, please use `bitly_set_token` or define the
BITLY_PAT environmental variable.
Do you know how to remedy this error? I'm not sure how to use bitly_set_token or to define a BITLY_PAT environmental variable.
My laziness to get the documentation in order is showing. I've added a brief description of the process to obtain the bitly PAT to the readme. If there is anything that is confusing about the process please let me know.
I'll be adding documentation to the bitly functions as well later on, leaving this open until I get that fixed as well.