livecode icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
livecode copied to clipboard


R build

livecode is an R package that enables you to broadcast a local R (or any other text) document over the web and provide live updates as it is edited.


You can install the development version of livecode from this GitHub repository:



# From RStudio with an open R script
server = livecode::serve_file()
#> ✔ Started sharing 'example.R' at ''.
#> ✖ The current ip address ('') for the server is private, only users on the same local network are likely to be able to connect.

# Once started, send messages to your users.
server$send_msg("Hello World!", type = "success")
server$send_msg("Oh no!\n\n Something bad has happened.", type = "error")

# Once finished, shut the server down.
#> ✔ Stopped server at ''.

Using bitly

livecode has built in functionality for generating a bitlink automatically for your livecoding session. To do this you will need to provide livecode with a bitly API access token. To obtain one of these tokens you will need to create an account with bitly (the free tier is sufficient) and then select Profile Settings > Generic Access Token and then enter your password when prompted. This results in a long hexidecimal string that you should copy to your clipboard.

livecode looks for this token in an environmental variable called BITLY_PAT. To properly configure this environmental variable we can use the usethis package. In R run the following,


which will open your .Renviron file for you and you will just need to add a single line with the format


replacing 0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567 with the hexidecimal string you copied from bitly. After saving .Renviron you will need to restart your R session and can then test that your token is function correctly by running,

#> ✔ Your bitly token is functioning correctly.