It seems to be wired with Windows 10 1809. I've compiled a helloworld on 1607. The exe can run on another Win10 1803 computer (no ruby is installed ever on...
It was more than 4 years past. Any progress?
Actually I guess support for http/https proxy will be more useful. As I write in, to inspect secure websocket connections, the best way is to use some mitm proxy...
@ahiijny Thank you for your tips! Now msys is working flawlessly.
It seems that `uniform.add("u_A", [1.0, 1.0, 1.0])` can be used with `uniform vec3 u_A`, while `uniform.add("u_B", [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])` can't with `uniform vec4 u_B`, generating `UniformTypeMismatch { name: "u_B",...
Adapting to a certain compiler is really a dirty work, especially for an amateur C++ user like me. I just tried to make least change to get it compiled, as...
Uh I've tried to declare `static constexpr auto allButtons2 = {playGame};` which MSVC complains C2131 ...
Hmmm... I've checked all the changed declaration. Seems all of them are `initializer_list`?
Probably caused by #64