
Results 12 issues of Run

Just like it, how to run vim internal command such as `:vimgrep`?

I am using openSuse Leap 42.1 and ruby 2.1 is installed as default. Now I want to replace it by ruby 2.3 through chruby. The new ruby is installed in...

Such command: ``` convert mani.jpg bottom-center.jpg -gravity south -append out.jpg ``` how to write?

From the source of '',I make the simplest configuration: ```vim scriptencoding utf-8 let g:vimhome=fnamemodify(resolve(expand(':p')), ':h') let mapleader=',' let maplocalleader=';' let &runtimepath=g:vimhome.'/runtime'.',$VIM/vimfiles,$VIMRUNTIME,$VIM/vimfiles/after,'.g:vimhome.'/runtime/after' call plug#begin(g:vimhome.'/bundle') " 插件声明 {{{ Plug 'scrooloose/nerdcommenter' Plug 'posva/vim-vue'...

The correct answer seems to be 99n, not 0.99n.

For left rotation, it also relies on the length of left spine of x's parent. No evidence clarify the two lengths(x's left spine and x's parent's left spine) are the...

For this problem, I get some wonders: ## part a In answer a, it says the Fibonacci numbers recurrence is: > T(h)=T(h−1)+T(h−2)+1 But in my mind, the Fibonacci numbers recurrence...

In desc method, I found the detail definition will be integrated into response entity description. And what's worse, it will contaminate following route definition, which leads to using above detail...

To below code: ```vue haha export default { data () { return {} } } ``` I comment line 4 and 12 with `cc`, then it produce: ```vue /*haha*/ export...

mina-loader的lang属性会完全覆盖对应tag下的loader配置,这会让明显的配置显得过于冗长,例如我想加入less-loader给`lang=less`,不得不这样写: ```js { loaders: { script: 'babel-loader', style: { loader: 'postcss-loader', options: { config: { path: resolve('./postcss.config.js') } } } }, languages: { scss: [ { loader: 'postcss-loader', options: {...