Rukmini Bose (Ruki)
Rukmini Bose (Ruki)
Testing Notes: 1. Open MCT on mobile. 2. Navigate to an object that has an Independent Time Conductor (Time List, Plot, etc). 3. Switch to fixed timespan, and open the...
Testing Instructions:
Needs visual and e2e tests. @johnhill2 Let's sync soon to see what the best approach for this is.
Testing Instructions:
This is an oldie goldie 👴 ! Going to be fixed with
This works for Plans, but Gantt Charts aren't translating the correct order from a plan imported into Open MCT. Testathon 2/1/2024
This issue being tracked is most likely the solution
Add this to playwright-watch.config.js and playwright-mobile.config.js `{ name: 'android_tablet', grep: /@mobile/, use: { storageState: fileURLToPath( new URL('./test-data/display_layout_with_child_layouts.json', import.meta.url) ), browserName: 'chromium', ...devices['Galaxy Tab S4 landscape'] // Complete List }...
Will be fixed via