So @bfred-it, what i also don't like about your idea is the big removal of all user options. I mean, as the use cases above show, such a "clever" add-on...
Oh your avatar always fits… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: But no, it's not that simple. Again you [dismiss two use cases]( and completely ignore things like The correct implementation of this would...
Ugh, what? So they should add a link to some random JSON on a server. The extension would download it and then just import the settings? Note that this is:...
Okay, you only have one big problem here: The user. It's hard to get users to compare some random hash, and even harder for a user to let them check...
> Cross-domain addition: I can see the value there, but it'd be much easier to have a popup saying Okay, if it is obvious enough, that's also possible. Maybe just...
Hmm, okay, so you purely rely on the browsers... Well... okay, let's wait until it is implemented.
Yep, you possibly also need to account for things like `…`. Obviously the signature may not be valid to other GitHub Pages sites, and one should only import it for...
I think that can be derived from the place, where the file is being saved, i.e. `` would apply to and `` would only allow `…`.
So how difficult is it to make it work for FF for Android? I assume also Fennec (codename for FF for Android) supports WebExtensions or will, at least, support it...
Depends on how good this app works with Fennec…