> You can change the method here in the config file. > >  > > BTW, could you please break sentences into smaller sentences the next time for readability?...
I am not a programer in python, so I not dare try chante your code, but I think the problem is in in line 
I think I discovery another important thing, because I am trying to do a runing in colab google for linux. If you use the parameter -pix_fmt rgba64be wich is default,...
> * What GPU are you using? > * ffprobe output of the video (located at the Tools Tab) The gpu is a GTX 1060 The second information I will...
> > set cuvid, It changes to auto > > That could be a bug but that's most likely not what's affecting you in the first place (auto should pick...
> * What GPU are you using? > * ffprobe output of the video (located at the Tools Tab) Follow the fprobe "streams": [ { "index": 0, "codec_name": "h264", "codec_long_name":...
> My Linux FFmpeg will use 'cuda'(not cuvid) when using '-hwaccel auto'. > My GPU is GTX750Ti I try this 'cuda' and the issue is the same, by the way...