Mex Delgado

Results 6 issues of Mex Delgado

this PR adds the line of the file which calls signale, this way you can go directly to that line of the file which is printed and see what the...


Hi, run ffscreencast --test in my terminal, but return [OK] Operating system supported: Darwin [OK] ffmpeg found: /opt/local/bin/ffmpeg [ERR] [OSX]: AVFoundation not available in ffmpeg. - Desktop recording not possible....

Hey, how you doing? A few days ago I bought a BOLD3 Black edition sports camera from Ultra Technology, similar to the jscam, both in firmware interface design and in...

HI! how do load new video by id or url?

it is possible to capture a pokemon from another country ?

Hi, run this script anda return this error. var five = require("johnny-five"), beanio = require("bean-io"), board, boardIO = new beanio.Board({ // name: "ZAPP" // optional: you can specify a localName...