Really cool project! I love it! Just one question: Is the possible to speed up the inference speed? or any suggestion? thanks!
Dear pokepetter how to generate mp4 video if I using ursina to create 3D animation movie? thanks lot!
can it sitll work if I only put one image in trainB and put the same one image in testB? what will be the final traing result/performance? Thanks lot!
Hi Bryandlee thanks for your greate work! I tried your Domain-Guided Encoder and get the latent (z0) with the shape [1,14,512] but when I tried the offical stylegan2-pytorch and...
Dear Rosinality I used to get the pt file for one images. Could you let me know how to use this pt file to generate the images? thanks.
Dear Kebu How to open svg file for editing? I had tried to open them in Adobe illustrator 2022, but failed. thanks!
It is real cool work! However I see it generates 256X256 video. Is that possible to generate 512X512 video? Thanks.
thanks. a nice work!
Dear zhijieW94, I'm facing TypeError: unhashable type: 'list' in windows10 environment. \", line 387, in read_obj obj[k] = v TypeError: unhashable type: 'list' Could you help to check? thanks so...