
Results 13 comments of Simone

Is there any news about this issue? it's solved in latest nodered 3.0.2 release? Thanks.

@falahati, here you go, as you can see it's pretty straightforward: ``` //tse.slave_buff is in external header, it's defined as following: uint8_t slave_buff[56]; uint8_t write_led_values(uint8_t fc, uint16_t address, uint16_t length)...

Thanks @falahati, i'm using serial hardware on both side: the Master side is a ESP32 and the slave side an arduino pro mini with ATMEGA328p running at 16Mhz. What looks...

What are you experiencing with this library? it is ok? works without any issue or you need to add the additional delay?

@SRGDamia1, it's possible to get the raw registers and then do something like that with a union? ``` union { uint16_t u[2]; float f = 0; } vlnData; modbus.getRegisters(0x03, 0x5000,...

I can confirm that I2C starting from [2.0.1 Arduino Release]( is "slow" compared to older versions. I use this function in order to read data from SHT21 sensors and i...

@hardillb i've tested it, this patch does not work. As patch, i've taken this [commit]( and it's working: but this needs to be fixed

I know that is totally unsupported, but testing it with 'request' package or command line 'curl' works. i've tested an internal published server that publish a java web application with...

@t6Jay, so, how you managed to solve that?

Thanks, I saw, and actually i've implemented the T3.5 and T1.5 as reported from @yet-another-average-joe in the #126 but nothing changes...without implementing the delay (at slave side) the issue continues...