Hello @JHK, Sorry for the late answer, and the maybe misleading hint. I was implying to do what is done in Traefik, but it is better to copy the logic...
Hello @tobiasz-gleba @framebassman, If I understand correctly, this issue is a proposal to align error behavior in Traefik, because some errors are "fatal" so that the resources disappear from the...
Hello, > Any update towards correlation ids (with opentelemetry) for traefik v3 ? This issue looks to be related to (access logs) and (logs). We are planning to...
Hello @ppuschmann, Thanks for the explanations! Today, a few [plugins]( are handling this. This issue remains open, we are still eager to gather feedback on this, especially for use cases...
We did investigate what could be done to improve observability for Ingresses resources within a cluster. The first takeaway is that regarding the Ingress statuses, there are no improvements to...
Hello @longquan0104, Thank you for your for this contribution. Regrettably, due to our current focus on v2.11 and the imminent release of v3.0, the review of your pull request will...
Hello @acouvreur, Thank you for this contribution! The extension of the Docker provider `allowEmptyServices` option to include stopped containers could have a side effect that does not exist with other...
@changhyuni as @nmengin mentioned we did not succeed in validating nor in narrowing down the described memory consumptions to a specific cause in Traefik. We are looking for help to...
Hello @swiffer, Thanks for giving it a try! You can start by looking at (we are already depending on compress).
Hello @dtscd, Thanks a lot for reporting this, and I'm sorry for the late answer. We confirmed the problem and attributed the p1 priority to this bug.