Hello @faust64, Thanks for your work! I wonder if you can split the fix for the issues #358/#499 in another PR, it would allow to separate concerns and move on...
Hello @dani, We are working on an alternative implementation, that should supersede this PR soon. The support we are targeting will only be done for Postgres STARTTLS, and it will...
Since PR has been opened, we are closing this PR.
Hello @alekitto, Just to let you know, we are working on OCSP support for Let's Encrypt certificate revocation. While your PR is addressing OCSP stapling, and hence another feature, we...
Hello @bendre90, Thanks for all the work here! > Should we "activate" the scientific notation behavior only for higher numbers? >I'd suggest a threshold of five digits - >=10000. (Maybe...
Hello @real-danm, Thanks for your interest in Traefik! Could you please share the full debug logs of Traefik?
Hello @real-danm, Thanks for your feedback, I cannot conclude anything from the logs, it seems that for both starts of Traefik in those logs, the redis provider was able to...
Hello @real-danm, We reopen this issue to track it. We need to investigate, but it definitely looks like we need to add a warning section in our documentation to advertise...
Hello @strarsis, Thanks for your interest in Traefik! As mentioned in this [comment]( on #8393, we want to address OCSP revocation first and come back later to OCSP stapling.
Hello @bschoenbach @nustiueudinastea @joeldeteves @alexangas, Thanks for your interest in Traefik! This error can happen because Traefik, as a Kubernetes client, has no rights to fetch resources. As mentioned in...