Hello @OrvilleQ @prashant-warrier-echelonvi, Can you provide the full debug logs of the Traefik instance? The 404 status code in the access log lines in both situations (with and without the...
Hello @OrvilleQ, At glance, I maintain that the access logs indicate that the 404 response is produced by Traefik because no router matched the request. I noticed that the router...
Hello, @OrvilleQ Sorry for the late answer. I think @aofei made a very good point. Traefik is forwarding CONNECT as is, and do not act as an HTTP proxy itself....
Hello, We conclude this to be a bug and it would be better to refuse HTTP `CONNECT` method and document it. Unfortunately, this would not make it to our roadmap...
Hello @schildbach @FStefanni, I've just reopened #8971, to track the support for Postgres STARTTLS independently, as mentioned in
Hello, The SMTP STARTTLS flavor (as well as the MySQL one) does not rely on the same negotiation as the Postgres one. Postgres STARTTLS negotiation is initiated by a frame/msg...
Hello @jnonino, The list permission is required because Traefik is relying on informers for cluster resource discovery, including secrets. Currently, restricting the discovery to only specific namespaces, with the provider...
Hello @jnonino, To sum up the situation regarding the required RBAC verbs for secrets resource with Traefik: | RBAC verbs for secrets | Discovery | Events (secret update) | Errors...
Hello @jnonino, This feature makes a lot of sense. Unfortunately, this would not make it to our roadmap for a while as we are focused elsewhere. So we cannot commit...
Hello @holgerniehoff, We are interested in this issue, and we would love some help from the community. If you or another community member would like to contribute on this, let...