Hello @sjmiller609, Thanks for reporting this and sorry for the late answer! I was able to reproduce the issue, I'm marking this issue as `bug/confirmed`. > @rtribotte We are interested...
Hello @jorisvergeer, Thanks for opening this! We took a look at the changes and discussed the feature and we have some feedback. The PR introduces a breaking behavior for nodePort...
Hello @jorisvergeer, Sure, for CRD manifests: - docs/content/reference/dynamic-configuration/kubernetes-crd-definition-v1.yml - docs/content/reference/dynamic-configuration/traefik.io_ingressroutes.yaml - docs/content/reference/dynamic-configuration/traefik.io_ingressroutetcps.yaml - docs/content/reference/dynamic-configuration/traefik.io_ingressrouteudps.yaml - docs/content/reference/dynamic-configuration/traefik.io_middlewares.yaml - docs/content/reference/dynamic-configuration/traefik.io_traefikservices.yaml - integration/fixtures/k8s/01-traefik-crd.yml you need to run `make generate-crd` target that will update...
Hello, This would be a good enhancement and we are labeling this issue accordingly. Related to #8599
Hello @samuelba, It is unclear to me if the problem was a misconfiguration or a breaking behavior from Traefik. I have dug a bit into the history of changes between...
Hello, Thanks @Sim0nW0lf for your feedback. I did not dig more but the possible grey area for a behavioral change around TLS negotiation, between Traefik v2.10.4 and v2.10.5, could be...
Hello @KptCheeseWhiz, Thanks for reporting this! You are right, the documentation is unclear at the moment regarding the precedence given to TCP over HTTP matching in case of a TLS...
Hello @polarathene, > Is there a similar workaround for a non-TLS HTTP router to have precedence over a non-TLS TCP router (HostSNI(`*`))? No there is no workaround, a non-TLS TCP...
Hello @polarathene, I'm not sure, without a real-world use case as food for thought, I think the current issue is enough, what is needed the most is a clarification in...
Hello @aleksvujic, Thanks for having shared the complete stack to reproduce the issue. I have tried it and while it is somehow very flaky, I was able to reproduce it...