Randy Terbush

Results 11 comments of Randy Terbush

This is a must have feature. Anything we can do to help get this into a release?

I'm also running into the same problem attempting to use ib_insync in streamlit. I ran across the following gist which seems to give some hints but I am unable to...

I can confirm this. Related to issue #36

When connecting to an FA account, the following error is printed. ``` 2016-12-06 13:23:36,430 [INFO] qtpylib.blotter: Connecting to Interactive Brokers... Server Version: 76 TWS Time at connection:20161206 06:23:35 MST 2016-12-06...

Here is a relevant part of the API as shared with me by @nwillemse https://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/software/api/apiguide/java/updateaccountvalue.htm

Not a quick one, but not terrible either. There are some other good examples out there that I will see if I can dig up.

I think a database abstraction would be a great upgrade here. FWIW, ran across the following info which might be of interest in this discussion. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sMQe9oOKhMhIVw9WmuCEWdPtAoccJ4a-IuZv4fXDHxM/edit#gid=0 Using something like InfluxDB,...

There has been some discussion to take origin from stock_location for shipping calcs. I know that UPS can determine if the address is residential or commerical. Do these exist in...

Just discovered #10479 which is unfortunately closed. https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/issues/10479 Could someone comment on this? Show stopper for my project if this build is not supported.

@mx-psi I will consider taking this on in the future. At this time, I don't have the bandwidth to take this on but would be happy to contribute when I...