Feature to cancel the move, as in [fullpage.js](https://github.com/alvarotrigo/fullPage.js#cancelling-the-scroll-before-it-takes-place) by returning `false` on the `onLeave` callback.
The file `./jquery.pagepiling.min.js` used in the demos is not synced by gulp. Maybe remove it and use `./dist/jquery.pagepiling.min.js` or `./jquery.pagepiling.js` in demos?
If you start highlight text and stopping the highlighting outside of elem `content` then in the` pointerclick` `event.target` will be the parent node of the `content` element, and as a...
The demo doesn't work with bem-components ^v5.1.1 (no compiled css from the design level).
Use the selects instead of the arrows to navigate. For separate block use mod: `_nav_select`, For mixed block `input_has-calendar` use mod `_calendar-nav_select`. No sure if that's a good naming, any...