Robert Taylor

Results 4 comments of Robert Taylor

This is still an issue with .Net 5... is this ever going to get fixed?

Any updates on the status of this? Thanks!

Thanks for the response! So the "Acr Push" role is missing the last 2 actions for the "az acr import" command to to work. At least we all know the...

I am also running into this same error: dotnet publish -r win-x64 -c "Debug" --output "....\Electron.NET-master\obj\Host\bin" /p:PublishReadyToRun=false /p:PublishSingleFile=false /p:DisabledWarnings=true MSBuild version 17.4.0-preview-22470-08+6521b1591 for .NET C:\_Source\Other\Electron.NET-master\Electron.NET-master\ElectronNET.sln : Solution file error MSB4249:...