Richard Comploi-Taupe
Richard Comploi-Taupe
Hello! I just found an interesting bug which occurs in Internet Explorer 9: If the FileReader´s debug mode is switched on, but the IE F12 developer tools (debugger) are not...
Support for domain-specific heuristics specified declaratively within ASP programs in the form of heuristic directives, as described in our upcoming research paper **Domain-Specific Heuristics in Answer Set Programming: A Declarative...
The method `Assignment#isViolated(int)` returns true iff the given literal is `TRUE` or `MBT` in the current partial interpretation. From its name, I would rather expect that it returns true iff...
Currently, instances of classes `Atom`, `Rule` and `NonGroundRule` are mutable. This can lead to problems, at least in the following known case: The final boolean field `BasicAtom.ground` is initialized when...
In line 307 of, there is the condition `if (p instanceof FixedInterpretationLiteral)` which can never be true because `p` is an `Atom`, not a `Literal`.
In addition to the two normal rules encoding a choice rule, `ChoiceHeadToNormal` now also generates a constraint that forbids the two complementary head literals to be true at the same...
When I am developing answer set programs for Alpha, a common source of errors is that I have typos in predicate names or forget some occurances when renaming a predicate....
This is an alternative approach to #282 which aims for the same goal. In comparison, this pull request is (at least currently) less cleanly implemented, but is more efficient (because...
Related issue: #115