Robert Sösemann

Results 20 issues of Robert Sösemann

I am using Snyk on my public repos and a PMD fork is one of them. Snyk is constantly detecting vulnerabilities and proposing PRs to fix them. See this page...


We took the Falcon template and adjusted it for ou purposes: 1. Corrected errors 2. Added CircleCI workflow steps 3. Created Powershell version of the scripts 4. Fixed bugs What...


SObjectDomain Trigger Handlers successfully works for Custom Platform events but not for native ones like `BatchApexErrorEvent`. Why is that so? Here is my trigger trigger BatchApexErrorEvents on BatchApexErrorEvent (after insert)...


Even if there are no describe limits in Apex anymore I realized that repeated getDescribe() is really expensive time-wise. I therefore planned to use this class to get some caching...


I have a valid FieldSet that contains field of a managed Custom Object and some fields of a related objects When I run this code in unmanaged namespace-less org ```...


Why: I myself use IC2 on Intelij. When I fork the project I cannot ignore those files and I automatically override them. So when I PR back those files will...

I'm planning on using this lib in many SFDX and classic projects and need a fast way to install the lib (including tests) into a dev and scratch org. Would...

It tried writing a Custom Apex Rule using the Rule Designer that detected classes that implement or extend a certain Interface. ``` public class Example implements Queueable, Finalizer { }...


I was hoping to find a deflate ( implementation in this lib. For encoding of PlantUML diagrams as described here Is it there?

Your PMD says its using _all Apex rules except style_. But this is not true. It's only using **performance** and **security** category and skipping other categories like - bestpractices.xml...

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