Robert Sösemann

Results 44 comments of Robert Sösemann

@dschueler could you solve this? Would you mind merging you solution back?

Are you talking about the []( For me everything looks ok there?!

@disasterlooms could you solve this? Would you mind merging you solution back?

Sure. More than happy to help. In case you want to have a look at how we use it, here is the publich Github repo

This might be connected to this Know Issue:

@afawcett from looking at the class I think the root cause lies out side this class and instead in fflib_SObjectDescribe

@afawcett and @capeterson I hope I could fix this in pull request

It's true that you store the field names in lower case in your Describe cache class, but you definitly do not lower case the field names you extract from a...

@ImJohnMDaniel Creating copies in custom objects, send out custom notifications, start a batch retry as described in Andy Fawcetts blog,...

@ImJohnMDaniel I can follow your argumentation but I can also follow mine. ;-) Everything that is an SObject and can have triggers should be handled in a central domain class....