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C++ implementation of RSocket
I wonder if the approach as taken in reactor (rx-lite) would just be simpler: Take one backpressurable type with optimizations for unbounded, non backpressured flows. That would also mean one...
In the current api we have a method `Flowables::fromPublisher(OnSubscribe);` ` OnSubscribe = std::function;` In the body of the OnSubscribe lambda the user is required to call `subscriber->onSubscribe(subscription)` before calling any...
We need to wrap the requester to due some application logic (specifically queue requests), but this isn't possible/easy due to it actually owning the state machine.
See discussion in
The docs says this: > Else either a ConnectionException or a ResumptionException is raised. However this isn't true as the exception is simply rethrown instead of being wrapped.
`RSocketServiceHandler` is working with types that look like `folly::Expected`. Unfortunately, that means the value *must* hold an `RSocketConnectionParams` or an `RSocketException`, no subclasses allowed for either. `RSocketException` is not really...
was named like that before we agreed to use folly extensively. Also class could be cleaned up, specifically replacing eventBase_.runAfterDelay which can be done in cleaner ways.
AddressSanitizer warns us about an error: ``` I0824 00:30:26.327633 9930 Benchmarks.cpp:11] Running benchmarks... (takes minutes) I0824 00:30:26.681712 9930 StreamThroughputMemory.cpp:159] Running with 100000 items /home/travis/build/rsocket/rsocket-cpp/benchmarks/StreamThroughputMemory.cpp:57:19: runtime error: member access within null...
Only running 1 of 5 test suites ``` java_server="java -cp rsocket-tck-drivers-0.9-SNAPSHOT.jar io/rsocket/tckdrivers/main/Main --server --host localhost --port 9898 --file tck-test/servertest.txt" java_client="java -cp rsocket-tck-drivers-0.9-SNAPSHOT.jar io/rsocket/tckdrivers/main/Main --client --host localhost --port 9898 --file tck-test/clienttest.txt"...
In one of the projects that will use RSocket, there are two functions to pause or stop the server, which is to be replaced by RSocketServer. (see: BaseThriftServer) - stop...