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A formal spec of the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture, written in Bluespec BSV (executable, synthesizable)

RISCV ISA Formal Spec in BSV

A formal spec of the RISC-V Instruction Set Architecture, written in Bluespec BSV (executable, synthesizable).

MIT License (see LICENSE.txt)

This is a formal specification, written in BSV, of (a subset of) the RISC-V ISA. The original RISC-V specs (written in English text) are the following two documents at The RISC-V Foundation:

The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual
Volume I: User-Level ISA
Document Version 2.2
Editors: Andrew Waterman , Krste Asanovic
May 7, 2017

The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual
Volume II: Privileged Architecture
Privileged Architecture Version 1.10
Editors: Andrew Waterman , Krste Asanovic
May 7, 2017

This formal spec covers:

  • RV32IM and RV64IM, i.e., the 32-bit and 64-bit user-level instruction sets ("I"), including integer multiply/ divide/ remainder ("M").

  • A subset of machine-level privileged instructions and CSRs, including trap handling but excluding physical memory protection and performance-monitoring.

This formal spec will be extended in future to cover other user-level features (A, F, D, etc.) and other privilege levels (supervisor).

Source codes

The spec source code files are in the RISCV_Spec/ directory. The source code contains detailed comments.

      Specifies user-level instruction encodings.

      Specifies machine-level privilege CSRs and instruction encodings.

      The top-level of the spec, specifying instruction semantics.

      Specifies integer GPRs and CSRs

      Specifies ALU for "M" operation (Mul/Div/Rem)

In RISCV_Spec.bsv, the spec is encapsulated into module mkRISCV_Spec whose parameters include a register file and a memory, and whose interface includes hooks to control its execution from GDB. Inside the module the main action is in rules rl_fetch and rl_exec. The latter invokes the top-level semantic function fa_exec().

We deliberately split LD, ST, FENCE.I and FENCE instructions into two phases (instead of treating them as pure functions) in order to allow access to shared memory to be interleaved with other hardware threads. The second phase of these instructions is seen in the rules rl_exec_LD_response, rl_exec_ST_response rl_exec_FENCE_I_response, and rl_exec_FENCE_response.


This spec is executable, both in simulation and in hardware. Simulation vehicles include Bluespec Bluesim and Verilog simulators. Hardware execution would typically be on an FPGA, where it could be used as a "tandem verifier" for an actual CPU implementation.

In this repo we provide a pre-built executable simulator:


The executable was built and tested on Ubuntu 17.04, and also tested on Debian 8.9 (jessie). Hopefully it should run on any x86 64-bit Linux.

In this executable:

The CPU connects to an I-Cache and a D-Cache
The caches connect to an AXI4-like fabric
The AXI4-like fabric connects to a Memory and a UART (stdio of a program running on the CPU is directed to the UART)

To avoid overwhelming the reader, we do not provide all this extra infrastructure (which is quite substantial, including a Debug Module that can connect to GDB, and more). The RISCV_Spec/ directory only contains the code for the CPU, and therefore you will not be able to re-build the excutable.

Running the executable on example C programs

We have provided a number of example C programs, and their pre-compiled ELF files etc in directories like these:

Test_Programs/hello       (Hello World!)
Test_Programs/qsort       (Quicksort)
Test_Programs/towers       (Towers of Hanoi)

Each directory contains a number of files. For example, in the hello directory you will see:


This is the orginal C source code.


This is an ELF file, produced by using gcc to compile the C program for a bare-metal RISC-V RV32IM target (i.e., not Linux target). To recreate an ELF file you will have to build yourself a RISC-V Gnu tool chain. Our bare-metal ELF files have startup code that start execution at PC = 0x200, and connect stdio to the UART.


A text disassembly of the ELF program using the standard objdump Gnu tool (part of the RISC-V Gnu tool chain).


A memory contents file produced from the ELF file. This is in standard Verilog 'Memory Hex' format, and represents the contents of memory when the RISC-V CPU starts executing. See section below on ELF-to-hex conversion.

To run an example program, in the top-level directory you can say:

make test_hello
make test_qsort
make test_towers

As you will see from the simple Makefile in the top-level directory, it makes a symbolic link from Mem_Model.hex to one of the test program memhex files, and then runs Simlator/exe_hw_d.

The output is more interesting if you turn on simulation verbosity:

make SIM_VERBOSITY=1 test_hello       PC and instruction trace
make SIM_VERBOSITY=2 test_hello       More detail

In each test program directory you will see transcripts of running the program at various verbosity levels:


If you have a RISC-V toolchain, you can compile your own C program into an ELF file, convert it into a memhex file, and run the simulator on it. Please contact us for details of the boilerplate code to start execution at PC 0x200 and to connect stdio to the UART.

ELF to Mem Hex file conversion

Many ELF-to-hex tools exist on the Web, but we have also provided a simple one in:


Compile this file, and then execute it with two command-line arguments, the path/filename of the input ELF file, and the path/filename of the output memhex file.


Bluespec support: email [email protected]

Bluespec, Inc. web site www.bluespec.com.

RISC-V Foundation web site www.riscv.org