Rishi Maharaj
Rishi Maharaj
Just installed via brew and it worked for me (macOS Big Sur 11.6.8, Intel Core i9) ```bash ~ ᐅ brew install cmatrix Running `brew update --auto-update`... ==> Auto-updated Homebrew! ==>...
+1 for `kcrc` In my `~/.zshrc` it is exactly the same. I also added `kcrtc` which is for renaming THIS context: ```bash alias kcrc="kubectl config rename-context" alias kcrtc="kcrc $(kccc)" ```...
We were having similar issues with emails not reaching the instance. Hopefully the following may be helpful. ## Situation - Loaded AHEM onto a VM in GCP with vmDomain.com -...
Hi @hauleth @MaxenceG2M @tprestegard Please see this workaround I've put together and lmk if it helps: https://github.com/git-chglog/git-chglog/issues/33#issuecomment-1897789708
+1 I was looking for a way to add a regex to the title map, e.g.: ```yml [Aa]dd(?:s|ed|ing): Features [Cc]hang(?:e|es|ed|ing): Features [Ff]ea(?:t|ture|tures|turing): Features sparkles: Features ``` and have all of...
Hi @ironsalsa @kkharji Here is an almost fully working workaround. It uses the go template itself to copy same named commit groups together. Entire `.chglog/CHANGELOG.tpl.md` file ```md {{ range .Versions...
Hi @jxsrlsl1234 It seems like in this case the RegEx in `options.header.pattern` doesn't match any of your commit messages. `pattern: "^(\\w*)(?:\\(([\\w\\$\\.\\-\\*\\s]*)\\))?\\:\\s(.*)$"` would match a commit message like: `feat(chlog): hello test`...
@MichelDiz can you please review and merge this minor change in?
This is also happening for maven type versions (using cz version 3.13.0): ```bash cz init Welcome to commitizen! Answer the questions to configure your project. For further configuration visit: https://commitizen-tools.github.io/commitizen/config/...
@noirbizarre Thanks for going through the thought process behind externalizing a provider -- I understand the increased burden and stress of having to make updates to a provider you don't...