Ryan Christian

Results 93 issues of Ryan Christian

**Do you want to request a _feature_ or report a _bug_?** Bug (I believe) **What is the current behaviour?** I'm using mobx and mobx-react-lite to add global state to my...


This PR is a correction to the types when using components in place of the `Route` component as children of `Router`. I added a new test which will cover the...

Closes #857 If a user supplies `--jsxImportSource` we should remove `jsxFactory` and `jsxFragmentFactory` from the default `tsconfig` as they're mutually exclusive with `jsx: 'react-jsx'`.

Fixes #963 Typo was from https://github.com/developit/microbundle/pull/950 We were missing tests for controlling the output filenames from `package.json` nearly entirely, both the common fields (`"main"`, `"module"`, etc.) and their alts (`"cjs:main"`,...

## Summary Closes #884 and #825 Each output can be individually given output paths now, there's no sharing of names/paths. This removes an over reliance upon `"main"` to provide output...

Packages that don't use the `output` flag or have a `"main"` in their `package.json` have their preferred filename output ignored. For example, say I have the following package: ``` {...

Brought up by https://github.com/preactjs/wmr/discussions/909 When a package's `"browser"` field is an object, `resolve.exports` will return the entire object, not a string file path: > When `true` and `"browser"` is an...

Closes #926 [Per the spec](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1U1RGAehQwRypUTovF1KRlpiOFze0b-_2gc6fAH0KY0k/edit?pli=1), `sourcesContent` is optional so we need to check for its existence before consuming.

### Discussed in https://github.com/preactjs/wmr/discussions/925 Originally posted by **offsounder** April 30, 2022 Hello, I'm trying to use the @mdx-js/rollup plugin with wmr, however it errors out when running in development mode...

Closes #914 Rather than transpile a `wmr.config.ts` to the default module type of the project, we should instead always transpile it to ESM. No need to touch WMR's exports this...