Bec Asch
Bec Asch
On the good news front, I compared an export of the "statistics_table" to the callset stats file I generated for Beta and they matched! 👍🏻 (if you're curious, the run...
I created a bug issue in our Jira issue tracker:
@ruchim Do we still need this or did #641 address it?
This is dependent on Cromwell 37 being released and adopted.
@ruchim Yes on both counts.
@ruchim Is there a way to do this with Cromwell's current capabilities?
@ruchim But if the issue is Cromwell not being able to return data, how is that a Job Manager issue?
Hopefully resolved by #583
@ruchim It's blocked on UX and also by the fact that Angular Material has a date-picker out-of-the-box, but no date & time picker (see, so this would have to...
- no custom range - no apply button; will be a drop-down, not a series of radio buttons - this will re-purpose the drop-down that is currently only used by...