Rogério Almeida
Rogério Almeida
Hey @blueberryberet, thank you for your kind words, I'm glad you liked it! Unfortunately, it's not simple to support multithreading. The error you reported could be easily fixed, but I...
As I'm sure you've seen, it is fixed in 1.3.3, but we're in unpredictable territory now. Please let me know what happens now, and if possible some test code to...
Hello @blueberryberet, thanks for your ideias. I think I could implement something like that, I just don't like the `position` thing. I think the user should not have to say...
Oh, forgot to say, in your GIF, it seems all the bars ended up leveling to the same speed, which would confirm my concern 1, that it is not easy...
Hey, thank you! Humm, that's a very interesting use... I do have all this info, but they are not externalized anywhere. I surely can publish them for you, gonna think...
Does it work for you if I externalize the internal `eta` (either its string rendition, or the raw number of seconds), together with the `rate` (either rendered or raw too)?...
You're welcome. It's done, it will be included in the next release!
Hey, I like the idea! It may take a while until I have time to, but I'll implement it 👍
Hey @alentner, thank you. Please, give me some context, what is an "mpi environment"? And this `mpirun`, what does it do? Well, I'd guess it is not reporting itself as...
Hey @alentner, I'm very sorry I forgot to reply to you! But I did read and dig very much your explanation of MPI, thanks! Of course now I need to...