Robert Schmid
Robert Schmid
I posted an answer to this on StackOverflow -- maybe this still helps someone.
I haven't implemented this myself, but I think this should be possible with the OpenResty variant of nginx and its builtin lua scripting capabilities. According to [here]( and [here]( you...
I've been able to work around this issue -- it's probably related to Xilinx SR# 10394170, if I interpret the comments in the HLS [action_wrapper]( correctly. The setup seems to...
I still think it would be good to show how a Vivado Block Design-based action can be built with SNAP. With Metal FS we still have the problem that the...
My thermostats (tested with firmware versions 20190408 and 20191014) can only be put into 'off' mode by using the host flags (0x4008), as described here: - writing 32 ->...
Width calculation still has some bugs (especially within tables). Widths of "replaced (inline) elements" (images, buttons) are ignored when calculating the "preferredMinimumWidth" of HTML elements (see also: The image...
> The tag is not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead. >
Do you have an example of a site that would look better if a "give-me-the-light-version" parameter was set in the request? (What is the measurable benefit for our customer?)
(Adding the User-Agent-string in HTTP headers is our only modification of the WebClient package)