Riaan Rottier
Riaan Rottier
That looks awesome, I tried building it though and get the following error: ``` src/Frames/RecF.hs:37:15: Not in scope: type constructor or class ‘Applicative’ Perhaps you meant ‘RecApplicative’ (imported from Data.Vinyl)...
Works great, and really nice that the other functions is not broken by the additional column. Would it be possible to also add an Applicative version of frameSnoc so that...
No problem, I forced me to look at what you have changed and hopefully increased my haskell knowledge a little bit. W.r.t. `frameSnocA` I won't pretend to understand the problem....
I would want the row to index and print out like Total is the last column. As this is the way R presents dependent columns it would be the most...
I ran into another problem with the derived columns, when I try to get the data from the derived column using view I get a `not in scope` error. How...
Awesome, all working now, still a bit of boilerplate to shuffle the columns around but not too bad. Great tip on the input method as well. Thanks