i have a same issue. Can it be something like a switch that can be toggled to managed wls group or not so that we can add custom users outside...
Edwin, i think it is better to just tagged it as 'Found' if 'output' (L85) has results. In the first place, that's the purpose of using grep in the command:...
Edwin, I've tried replacing the original code with another if condition and it seem to work fine: if output.nil? Puppet.debug 'not found server' return 'NotFound' else Puppet.debug 'found server' return...
Edwin, there's a correction. The condition should be tested if empty rather than null. Here is the proposed updated code: if !output.to_s.empty? Puppet.debug 'found server' return 'Found' else Puppet.debug 'server...
Yup, i've tested it with 1. clean build, 2. i brought down admin and rerun puppet agent, 3. all instances are running. it seem to work as expected. Can you...
Hello Ed, we saw some error when updating the module to 2.0.10: The module release biemond-orawls-2.0.10 does not exist on https://forgeapi.puppetlabs.com/.\n"}}]
Hi Ed, I did some testing and it seem to fail. it cannot take the value of the 'output'. Just for testing purposes, i added a debug right after it...
I did a manual storeUserConfig via https-7003 and it needs an interactive response. I haven't tested creating user config via http though so I am not sure if an interactive...
is there a workaround on this one? although it applies the patch the next time it runs, but the system is already up. Some patch cannot be applied if the...
I think you can update the underlying process to check the lock file inside ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage The error log produce this info: The lock file exists in ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage If we can...